wellness retreats &

capacity building... mentoring in beautiful places

if you're looking to make some changes in your wellness habits, big or small, a wellness retreat might be just what you're looking for

there is also mentoring & coaching; an opportunity to discover what your very own 'good life' looks like

so if you're curious, contact us by email or phone and take you a step closer to your wellbeing goals!

[pic: taken in queensland while at a tabletop mountains retreat]

buddhist retreats

Buddhist retreats in Australia and internationally have become something that we excel at!

are you looking to participate in your favourite online meditation retreat while staying in beautiful locations and eating tasty meals of your choice?

and if your Buddhist festival or special teaching is somewhere further field, we're here to support you from the planning stage to attending or anything in between. Whether it be a few hours or half a world away we've got you covered!

sutra or tantra practitioner, beginner or advanced meditator, your Buddhist retreats and adventures are within reach through adventures-n-things.